30 mai 2013

LPB mai 2013

Contributeur: Thomas
01. "Everything I Can See From Here" http://vimeo.com/63823593 an animated short-film with a great look and an unusual format.
02. Blue Daisy presents DAHLIA BLACK "UFCK A RAP SONG" http://vimeo.com/58698077 it reminded me older Tricky songs. Great video clip work, raw and hypnotizing. Here are some others made by the same director David M. Helman http://davidmhelman.com/ and animator Ruffmercy http://www.ruffmercy.com: Blu Doinnothin' featuring UGOD (produced by Flying Lotus) http://vimeo.com/31928186 + Zeroh Coves and caves http://vimeo.com/62687231. And if you liked Coves and caves, here are more songs from this artist: http://horez.bandcamp.com/
03. Here's a video clip made by Tom Jobbins for the band Hiatus and their song "We Can Be Ghosts Now" http://vimeo.com/64020968 a cute short animation film with triangles and rectangles.
04. Bibio "À tout à l'heure" http://vimeo.com/64800150
The perfect song for the springtime and the beginning of the summer. Enjoy it in the sun and in good company ;o)
05. "Piano Works 13" by Julien Martorell http://vimeo.com/66050801
Pianoworks 13 is a short movie, which combines live action and motion design. Over an original soundtrack played by Polerik Rouviere, four dancers perform different styles (break dance, new style, popping). The film illustrates the link between body, instrument and instrumentalist. The moves give birth to a sort of calligraphic language which is a representation of the moves themselves.
Enjoy and take care

01 mai 2013

LPB avril 2013

Contributrice : Maïa

00. "Thoughts on the Creative Career" by Zefrank

01. Arvo Pärt "Für Alina"

02. "Burn / Visions"
A commercial for Burn (energy drink) using Parkour.
It's not the most impressive thing I've seen concerning this disciplin, but the whole thing is really esthetic.

03. Glen Hansard "You Will Become"

Those of you who have seen the movie "Once" (2007) already know Glen Hansard.

04. Daniel Waples "Hangdrum solo"

05. "Metro" by Jacob Wyatt is a short animation movie

06. New Cocoon (hip hop)

07. Nick Sheehy
Great handmade arty illustrations

Sam Wolf Connelly
Spooky, spirits and ghosts illustrations

09. Very fine art by Anne Ten Donkelaar

10. "Instant Face Maker" by Faceheads
11. "Fight For Everyone" music promo for The Leisure Society

12. Beach House "Wishes"

13. "The scared is scared" by Bianca Giaever
Just a simple, refreshing, funny and touching short film !
Love it !
The storytelling is perfect !

14. "Life Drawing at The Book Club"

15. Passion Pit "Cry Like A Ghost"
Very ambitious videoclip with some great  shooting and modern dancers !
One of the best videoclips I've seen so far !

Enjoy those fresh cookies

LPB mars 2013

Contributeur : Cyril

LPB février 2013

Contributeur : Azrael

LPB janvier 2013

Contributeur : Cyril

LPB décembre 2012

Contributeur : Cyril

LPB novembre 2012 // King Biscuits

Contributeur : Cyril

LPB octobre 2012

Contributeur : Cyril

LPB septembre 2012

Contributeur : Cyril